Our Facilities

Starting Treatment

The first step to any fertility treatment is to identify and understand the reason why you have not become pregnant naturally. Arogya IVF divides this process into several stages.

Initial consultation

The first time you visit Arogya IVF, time would be spent on:

  1. Collecting information about why you have not become pregnant
  2. We will answer any questions or concerns you may have.

At the end of initial consulting, you will know what your next step will be.

Baseline tests

To effectively plan your treatment Arogya IVF will need to perform certain tests, including:

  1. Baseline hormones
  2. Pelvic ultrasound scan
  3. Blood test for routine infection screening (HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C) – a requirement for all Patients at Arogya IVF
  4. Semen analysis

Counseling plays a very important role in infertility treatment. We provide counseling support to the couple from the first visit till the entire treatment.
Depending upon the case/couple sometimes we would advise the couple to opt for special counseling from an independent counselor. Confidentiality and secrecy are maintained at all times.

Follow-up and treatment planning

Using the information gathered from your initial consultation, tests and investigations, we can advise the appropriate treatment for you.
These options will be discussed in full, including any risks and also the success rates. At this visit treatment may be planned immediately, or the clinical team may advise the need for more advanced tests and investigations.
Whatever is decided, you will leave this appointment knowing what you need to do next to begin treatment.

What is it

How to Overcome The 4 Most Common Obstacles to getting up Early

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