Our Facilities

Cryopreservation - Sperm Freezing

Cryo Preservation of Human Semen

Freezing and thawing techniques have been used to cryopreserving semen since 1776 (by Spallanzani)

Cryopreservation is a process, which maintains cellular life for an extended period of time at low subzero temperatures. The aim of any cryopreservation protocol is to minimize cell damage associated with exposure to low temperatures, control cell volume, and prevent lethal intracellular ice crystal formation. This can be achieved by controlling intracellular and extra cellular movement of solutes and water.

Indications of Semen Cryopreservation

These days when career is of utmost importance many times husbands are away at the time of treatment cycle like in some cases husbands are frequent travelers, go away for overseas assignments or due to anticipated absence on the day of insemination due to commitments of work where frozen sample backup can be used and treatment carried on.

Anticipated performance anxiety on the day of treatment.

Men who work in places with risk of radiation hazard.

Patients before undergoing vasectomy may preserve semen as insurance to future fertility.

Pooling of semen sample when native semen samples have low count.When male partner is impotent or has retrograde ejaculation.

When male partner has been exposed to known toxins such as lead and agents with mutagenic potential.

Patients with malignancy prior to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Actual Freezing Process

Sperm cryopreservation is accomplished using liquid nitrogen vapors for controlled rate or non controlled rate cooling. At our centre we prefer to use liquid nitrogen vapor technique for cryopreservation of the spermatozoa. This technique is simple easy, and does not require expensive equipment.

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