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Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test

DNA fragmentation testing is a type of male fertility test which measures the amount of damaged DNA in a sperm sample. All men have some amount of damage to their sperm DNA, but high percentages of damage may indicate greater difficulty in achieving pregnancy and healthy child with IUI and IVF/ICSI.

Testing for Sperm Quality

For decades, fertility testing for men has relied almost solely on a basic semen analysis, which examines sperm concentration, morphology and motility. Still, around 30% of the 5 million men in the US who are facing infertility still do not know why they are infertile. This suggests that a semen analysis is inadequate when it comes to evaluating male fertility potential.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation

Sperm DNA fragmentation refers to the amount of damage seen in sperm DNA. Essentially, calculating what percentage of the sperm has breaks in the DNA. Sperm are very small yet they need to carry massive amounts of genetic information to the egg.

Over the last few decades, significant research has been done to look at how the amount of damage observed in sperm DNA can be used as a marker for male infertility. While our understanding of sperm DNA damage has grown, the exact cause remains unknown. One important observation is that the amount of sperm damage detected does not always correlate with semen parameters. In other words, you can have a normal sperm count, motility, and morphology, and still have large amounts of sperm DNA damage. Interestingly, the egg has some capacity to repair damaged sperm DNA upon fertilization, however, scientists believe there may be a threshold of DNA damage beyond the repair capacity of eggs.

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