Oocyte Donation
There is a great demand for egg donation throughout the country and there are many women who are waiting for the chance to have baby from donated eggs.
Why is egg donation needed?
There are several reasons why a woman may want to consider using someone else’s egg to help her become pregnant. Some women stop ovulating or ovulate occasionally. Other women may never have periods. This may be because of genetic condition such as Turner’s syndrome or because of an unknown reason their ovaries have not developed properly. Many women who require egg donation have started the menopause and some way have done this in their early twenties or even their teens.
Egg donation is also used for genetic problems when there is chance that genetic disorder could be passed on to the child. These problems include disorders such as Haemophilia, Thalessemia and Duchene’s muscular dystrophy to name a few. The women may decide to use the donated eggs rather than risk the possibility of having a child who may be very handicapped or who may die at an early age.
Some women may have several attempts at IVF without success. This may be because she cannot produce enough healthy eggs and the only way she may be able to have baby is by using eggs from a donor.
We recruit egg donors because these eggs are precious and should only be used to try and make another woman pregnant. We try and match your characteristics such as ethnicity, height, and hair and eye color to those of the donor.
Embryos created from donors eggs may be frozen and then be used in the future.
Will egg donors remain anonymous?
The identity of any donor will not be passed to the recipients of the egg or to any resultant children.
The recipient of donor eggs will continue to have access only to non-identifying information about the donor – usually hair color and eye color or skin color.
Who will be the legal parents of any resulting child?
The woman receiving eggs and her partner will be the legal parents.
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